Field Experience Diary

Field Experience Spring 2011
ITEC 7305
Total Hours: 11

Data Collection(1 hours)
Description: collecting data from several years
Learners: teachers
IV.B -Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.

Elevator Speech(1 hours)
Description: a speech to get teachers to buy-in to data-driven decision making for the upcoming school year.
Learners: teachers
IV.B -Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
Reflection: It was a challenge for me to come up with the elevator speech. I struggled because I wasn’t 100% sure what data was or how to use it. I did like that it made me stretch myself right away in semester. Looking back feel I am ready to lead a data team. Hopefully I will be able to use this speech in the fall as school starts.  

Data Team Summary(1 hours)
Description: As the Data Coach, you must outline a plan to develop a data team at your school. Write a Data Team Summary to include school vision, Purpose & Roles, Data Team Formation, Rationale & School Structures, Decision-Making Authority, and an outreach plan.
Learners: teachers
IV.B -Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
This experience gave me a true appreciation for the leaders at my school. Understanding and using data is an essential skill; I hope that data had driven the choices they have made thus far for RTMS. I know that this activity has opened my eyes to the importance of data. I have not seen it impact student learning yet. I do believe if data-driven decision making is implemented correctly it could have a huge impact on student learning.

Instructional Initiatives Inventory(1 hours)
Description: a summary of all the instructional initiatives currently under way at your school
Learners: teachers
IV.B -Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
At this time I don’t believe that RTMS as many whole school or grade level initiatives in place. Teachers could use grade level and PLC time to share information. Graduation Coach can work with all grade levels to keep communication lines open.  

Data Inventory(1 hours)
Description: summary of all the types of data that are available in your school. Also include other student-level information your school collects as well as other types of data and/or assessments you would like to see your school begin collecting
Learners: teachers
IV.B -Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
From this exercise, I realized I am unaware of what data is really collected. It helped to walk through the standardized test throughout the year. Later once I collected data I realized there was more information on the results than just who passed and who didn’t pass.

Data Overview(3 hours)
Description: Locate and review demographic and student achievement data for your school as measured by the statewide accountability test. Create a data overview—a concise summary of student achievement results—telling a coherent story, highlighting strengths as well as weaknesses, and emphasizing one or two key areas in which academic improvement is needed most. In addition to standardized test scores, use the results from your school’s GAPSS review, if applicable, to inform your data overview. The overview should be well organized, and include relevant graphic displays such as pie charts, bar charts, and/or line graphs.
Please include 3-5 years of longitudinal data for comparison—particularly when using the demographic data to show how the student population has changed in various subgroups. Be sure to include your school’s transiency rate, if available. Include graphs and/or tables that compare your school’s results to district or state results. The overview should include a title slide, purpose slide, 10-12 graphical data slides, as well as summary and discussion slides.
Learners: teachers and school staff
IV.B -Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
VII.C -Participate in professional development opportunities related to the management of school facilities, technology resources, and purchases.
VIII.D -Lead in the development and evaluation of district technology planning and implementation.
The was a real eye opener for me! First I never realized how much data was out there. However, I am still not sure that I completely know how to read all of the data reports that come back with all the test.

Action Plan(3 hours)
Description: Create an action plan to address one of the weaknesses presented in the Data Overview
Learners: teachers
IV.B -Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
VII.C -Participate in professional development opportunities related to the management of school facilities, technology resources, and purchases.
I really hope to use this plan in this year. Even if my own classroom. Developing this plan really stretched me to come up with ways to really think of effected ways to increase student learning.

Field Experience Spring 2011
ITEC 7430 & ITEC 7445
Total Hours: 25

Google Forms (2 hours)
Description: I worked with the news paper club sponsors to create a google form that will collect data from 8th grade students. Students from home will fill out their class favorites and such and then turn it in online. This information will be use in the final school news paper.
Learners: 2 language arts teachers/news paper sponsors
I.B -Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.
V.A -Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.
V.C -Apply technology to increase productivity.
Reflection: These teachers had never used Google forms before. Together we set up the form the way they wanted it to look and include all the questions students created. After creating it, I filled it out myself to show them how it would look in the spread sheet. Manipulating data took a little longer. Looking back I wish they both had been creating forms along with me so they would be more likely to remember what we did. However, I think these two teachers will start using more technology like this web 2.0 tool because they see how easy it is to use. 

Quia (2 hours)
Description: Teaching teachers to use an online testing and activity website. I did a simulation quiz in so they could experience what it would be like for their students. After showing them what students saw and did, I shared with them the data that could puts together. Finally I showed them how to build test and activities. Worked with one teacher to create and care out test for his class.
Learners: I worked with two 7th grade science teachers
IV.A - apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques.
IV.B - Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize students learning.
Reflection: I had done this before with 8th grade teacher, by working with a different grade level I am hoping more students will be comfortable with the system when they come to 8th grade. Not only is Quia a time save for teachers, students really enjoy getting the test results back right way. I have personally learned a few new things with Quia for example how to make text bold or underlined using html codes. It has also come to my attention that students need training on how to take tests online. I really recommend that teachers take the time to have a practice test for the students. Students need to learn that backspace can kick them out and that the roller ball on a mouse changes their answers. It isn’t fair to have students learn these type of operations skills on a real test.

Restraint Training (1 hours)
Description: Teacher were asked to take a training class online. Many teachers struggled to understand the system. I opened up my room and gave guidance to all those struggling to use the new system. Teachers were able to click right along with me to complete the class from their own computers.  
Learners: 8th grade teachers; approximately 15 teachers
V.A -Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.
V.C -Apply technology to increase productivity.
Reflection: This was a way for me to help ease the stress of the other teachers. Many teachers were frustrated and asking for help. It seemed the easiest thing to do was to do it once with everyone. I enjoy making it easier for others. Looking back I wish I had written out directions so they would be reference for the next time.

Voice Thread (1 hours)
Description: When studying simple machines, I had my students leave comments about the simple machine on the site. Students were able to hear other students responses and comment on those as well. Students were also allowed to draw on the image to help others understand how the machine worked.
Learners: approximately 75 8th grade students
I.A -Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers).
I.B -Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.
II.A -Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
II.F -Identify and apply instructional design principals associated with the development of technology resources.
III.A -Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
III.B -Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
III.C -Apply technology to demonstrate students' higher-order skills and creativity.
III.D -Manage students learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.
Reflection: I have found that students (just like me) don’t always enjoy writing out every assignment. Using Voice Thread allowed them to tell me the answers. I found that students elaborated more when speaking than when writing. I also had them do it from home one night for homework. I was amazed at the results. (2 hours)
Description: Teaching teachers and students how to texted in questions and answers to the board using
Learners: 4 6th grade teachers
I.B - Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.
III.A - Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
IV.C - Apply multiple methods for evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.
Reflection: Cell phone use in classrooms is spreading and I like it! I worked with 6th grade teacher to set up accounts to start using this web 2.0 tool in their classes. I am concerned that not all 6th graders would have cell phones. Currently working on a way for students with iTouches could also use those in the classroom with

Wiki (10 hours)
Description: Teaching a teacher how to use a WIKI in the classroom. This one-on-one instruction with the teacher was more in depth on how to use a WIKI as a network for your students. Together we set up a whole project. Then together we taught her 50 7th graders how to use and populate pages of the WIKI.
Learners: 1 7th grade teacher; approximately 50 7th grade students
II.A - Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
II.E - Plan strategies to manage students learning in a technology-enhanced environment.
II.F - Identify and apply instructional design principals associated with the development of technology resources.
III.A - Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
III.B - Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
III.C - Apply technology to demonstrate students’ higher-order skills and creativity.
III.D - Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhance environment.
IV.C - Apply multiple methods for evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.
Reflection: WOW!! This project was a huge undertaking. First I had to teach one teacher to be comfortable with using, navigating, and building a usable WIKI site. She did well. I discover easier ways to teacher different parts of how to use of navigate the site to make it easier to teach in the future. Students surprise me every day. Several students taught me how to fix messed up pages and add glitter graphics.  

Glogster (2 hours)
Description: Students and Teachers created an interactive online poster to be embedded on websites, WIKIs, or blogs.
Learners: approximately 50 7th grade students; 2 7th grade teachers
II.A - Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
II.E - Plan strategies to manage students learning in a technology-enhanced environment.
II.F - Identify and apply instructional design principals associated with the development of technology resources.
III.A - Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
III.B - Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
III.C - Apply technology to demonstrate students’ higher-order skills and creativity.
III.D - Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhance environment.
IV.C - Apply multiple methods for evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.
Reflection: A great web 2.0 tool to create and deliver information. I enjoyed most teaching students basic web building and linking. Simple things students would be to use when ever on the internet.  Students did a fantastic job building interactive pages for the home page for the biomes project.

Colors for the Web (1 hours)
Description: Students learned what colors are best used together when building websites.
Learners: approximately 50 7th grade students; 2 7th grade teachers
III.D -Manage students learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.
V.C -Apply technology to increase productivity.
V.D -Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community to nurture student learning.
Reflection: After seeing what students thought looked good online, I knew that something had to be done. I couldn’t read the pages to grade the content. I showed a presentation I modified from grad school and a website that could be used as a reference guide. I was so happy I took the time to share these concepts with students, their pages turned out so much better!

Google Mail (2 hours)
Description: 8th grade students set up professional emails for use with science class.
Learners: approximately 75 8th grade students
III.D -Manage students learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.
V.C -Apply technology to increase productivity.
V.D -Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community to nurture student learning.
Reflection: Great way to start using email with students. I have all the passwords and have full access to everything they use within the account. One thing I learned is that you can’t set up that many accounts at one time at one location. Google block our school IP range for 24hrs. Students have done a great job with these emails.

Jing (2 hours)
Description: Taught teachers to create screen cast of the computer to use on their websites.
Learners: 2 7th grade teachers
III.D -Manage students learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.
V.C -Apply technology to increase productivity.
V.D -Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community to nurture student learning.
Reflection: It was super easy to capture and create the screen casts. The issue we had was playing them back. It took some time to discover that the videos needed to be replayed in a web browser. These videos have helped lessen confusion and complication when students aren’t where they can get help from teachers. 

Field Experience Fall 2010
ITCE 7400 & ITCE 7410
Total Hours: 21

Quia (3 hours)
Description: Teaching teachers to use an online testing and activity website. I did a simulation quiz in so they could experience what it would be like for their students. After showing them what students saw and did, I shared with them the data that could puts together. Finally I showed them how to build test and activities. Worked with one teacher to create and care out test for his class.
Learners: I worked with 2 8th grade science teachers
IV, A: apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques.
IV, B: Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize students learning.
Reflection: Teachers are always looking to save time. Quia is just the program to help reduce grading time. At my school very few teachers use Quia, I took this opportunity to share with others how I save time in the classroom. Teachers were impressed with how great it worked but were concerned with the amount of time it would take to get questions in to the system. I did my best to explain that once it was in you wouldn’t have to put it in again and how much time it would save on the grading end. One teacher is not using Quia regularly and has even taught me a few things about tagging questions.

iTunes (2 hours)
Description: Teaching a teacher to set up and use iTunes with her classes. She had an iPod and it had music but she didn’t not know how to manage the contents. We worked on setting up play lists, getting new music, and playing music for her classes. 
Learners: 1 8th grade English teacher
I, B: Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.
Reflection: This teacher had is not the most technology savvy teacher. While working on a poetry unit she wanted to be able to share music with her students. I spent time with her using the computer to first understand basic workings of the program itself. I enjoyed seeing her use the mouse more than me to complete different tasks. I feel she really does know how to use iTunes to manage her music and share it with her classes.

Excel (2 hours)
Description: I spent time creating a new format to track student behaviors for the grade level and then taught the teachers how to use it.
Learners: 8th grade teachers; approximately 30 teachers.
V, C: apply technology to increase productivity
V, D: Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community to nurture student learning.
Reflection: I used excel to track student detentions and other behaviors. Teachers enter information about the detention a student’s earned and then the spread sheet uses that information to total the number of detentions the student has and the cell will change color. The cell changing color allows for the AP to quickly see what students are having behavior issues. There was some resistance to this new data collection. A few teachers are concerned that it is more work, however I explained that this is just what we are already doing it is just electronic now. I also took time to meet with those teachers one on one to show them. It really helped meeting with them one on one.

Survey of Current Reality (3 hours)
Description: We took a survey to see what the current reality of our schools technology vision and technology vision were.
Learners: Content teachers; approximately 75 teachers.
II, C: Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.
V, B: continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning.
VIII, B: apply strategies for knowledge of issues related to managing the change process in schools.
VIII, D: Lead in the development and evaluation of district technology planning and implementation.
Reflection: The data was amazing. I was please to see that there was a want to learn more technology. I thought that most teachers were against learning new technologies for their classrooms. I was wrong. The survey helped me understand what I can do next to improve technology use at my school next semester.

Podcasting (3 hours)
Description: Teaching the ins and outs of podcasting. (recording, editing, and publishing)
Learners: 1 7th grade science teacher.
III, A: Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
IV, C: Apply multiple methods for evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.
Reflection: After completing a project with my class, I shared it with a co-worker. We sat down 3 different days and worked with the different tasks of process recording, editing, and publishing. I found it interesting that she most enjoyed the editing part when she could add sound effects and change voices. She plans to use it first on her website to enhance directions for assignments. Next semester she plans to carry out a full project with her students. (2 hours)
Description: Teaching teachers and students how to texted in questions and answers to the board using
Learners: approximately 70 8th grade students; approximately 25 teachers and staff.
I, B: Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.
III, A: Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
IV, C: Apply multiple methods for evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.
Reflection: As soon as I heard about this amazing site, I set out to use it. Trying it out with students first and then inviting teacher to come and watch. I then spent time with at least 7 teachers individually setting up there own accounts and getting them started in their own class room.

WIKI(5 hours)
Description: Teaching teachers how to use WIKIs in the classroom. I modeled how to use the WIKI via my own class project and having teachers join in.
Learners: approximately 12 teachers and school staff.
II, A: Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
II, E: Plan strategies to manage students learning in a technology-enhanced environment.
II, F: Identify and apply instructional design principals associated with the development of technology resources.
III, A: Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
III, B: Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
III, C: Apply technology to demonstrate students’ higher-order skills and creativity.
III, D: Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhance environment.
IV, C: Apply multiple methods for evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.  
Reflection: I completed the project with my students. While working on the project with my students I shared what I was doing with a team of teachers and staff. They helped me make it better while they learned how to make their own. While no one has created on yet, the interest is there and we will be starting a PD class next semester. My over all reflection of my WIKI can be found in the main part of this blog.

Safety (1 hours)
Description: Group discussion on internet safety and how to use technology appropriately.
Learners: approximately 50 students
VI, A: Model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use.
VI, D: Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources.
Reflection: I was amazed at what my students new were the right things to do online and how many of them ignored them. Facebook was a major discussion point. What was safe to put out there? How could you still post pictures and still be safe? We talked about not tagging every pictures. I was impressed with some of the solutions the students came up with. I enjoyed hearing via email from parents that students were coming home telling them how they needed to be safer with their own Facebook pages. In the end I was very proud of my students for starting to take steps to become safer online.